Employers’ sponsored healthcare plans since 1981


ASSIDIM like other health-care funds operating in Italy, offer benefits plans supplementary or in replacement of the National Health Service (NHS) .

It is important to know that, in addition to the benefits ensured by the State to all citizens through general taxation, there is a second pillar, originating from national or decentralized collective contractual agreements which include a plurality of stakeholders: industry-wide funds, company sponsored funds, mutual societies, broker and insurance companies.

The second pillar, and in particular supplementary healthcare, are of great importance because they guarantee savings for the healthcare system, and provide a solution for the large cuts in public finances and offer a solution to manage the reduction of benefits provided by the public welfare.



Over the last few years, employers are increasingly receiving demands for protection and social security from employees, generated by new needs not covered by public welfare.

Considering the changing regulatory environment, business decision-makers are finding themselves taking on increasing responsibilities to adequately respond to different needs across the employees population, regardless of age or gender and of the socio- demographical and economic characteristics: ranging from health care to supplementary pensions, social care services for the elderly and children, to meal vouchers, bonus transportation allowances, subscription to gyms, etc.

The Awareness of the opportunities and benefits of welfare plan is growing not only amongst employers but also amongst workers, since their implementation would harmonize the business and production needs with people wellbeing

Furthermore, recent surveys on welfare in small and medium-sized enterprises identify healthcareas the most desired benefit by employees.

Do you want to find out more about the advantages of corporate welfare?

“Corporate welfare is important because it is one of the elements that keeps a community alive”.
[Papa Francesco]